Gout is one of the most controllable diseases and should be treated as a serious health problem by anyone exhibiting the symptoms of gout. Uric acid is normally passed from the body by the urine. Sometimes, however, the body makes more uric acid than the kidneys can deal with. When this occurs, gout may develop.
Gout can cause a great deal of pain as it causes the uric acid to accumulate in areas of the body in which blood flow may not be as great as in other parts of the body. The joints are such a place and that is why the pain of gout manifests itself in the joints. This is a disabling disease that affects many people and it is a disease that can be controlled in many cases. We are all liable to develop gout at any time because the body makes about as much uric acid as can be dealt with at any given time. Many times, gout develops as a result of outside interference such as overeating or overdrinking. Infections can trigger gout. Since we can or should be able to control eating and drinking, we can control gout.
The main symptom of gout is severe pain in the joints. The elbows and knees are a typical location for gout to develop as are the knuckles of the hands and the big toe. Most of the time, a person has no warning of the gout attack. Some people claim to notice small twinges of pain that serve as a warning. The pain may develop in just a few hours and can leave a victim with swollen and tender joints. A weak fever of 101degrees of less may be experienced. Most initial attacks of gout affect only one joint and may not attack again for years. In any case, let your doctor know and he can not only track the disease, but prescibe some painkiller for you. You should not use aspirin as it slows down the excretion of uric acid and thus could prolong or worsen the gout attack.
Learn to controll your drinking and overeating habits. These can lead to further attacks. Such foods as red meat or sardines can be a contributor to the symptoms of gout.
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